Artem Zavarzin
Partner, Attorney at Law

Legal Practice Areas

Property Law and Construction Law, Public-private partnership, Intellectual property, Legal disputes, Interaction with government agencies


  • Bachelor of Laws, the Faculty of Law at Saint Petersburg State University

  • Master of Laws, the Faculty of Law at Saint Petersburg State University (Civil process, Arbitration process)

Professional Merits

  • The specialist is recommended by the BestLawyers of 2022 rating in the category of «Litigation»

  • In 2023 the «TMT/Intellectual Property» practice took second place in the LegalTop Team Ranking of Business Petersburg. The Team Ranking was awarded to Artem

Relevant Projects

Legal support of legal disputes related to the implementation of development projects, in particular:

  • construction of a multifaceted residential complex near a designated natural area

  • construction of a new residential complex within the boundaries of a previously built-up area

  • legal support of the interests of developers from the recovery of economically unjustified fiscal payments of a non-tax nature

  • judicial protection the interests of developers from illegal actions of regulatory authorities, which in the long term entail the impossibility of completing the construction project in accordance with the previously approved financial model

Legal support of disputes in the field of public-private partnership, in particular:

  • preparation of a legal opinion on the existing restrictions on the use of concession agreements and public-private partnership agreements

  • legal support of the process of concluding an agreement on the implementation of objects of regional importance, including preparation of a position for resolving disputes with regulatory authorities

Legal support of intellectual property disputes, in particular:

  • protection of the interests of the technical partners of the sublicensee from claims of right holders to recover compensation for violation of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity

  • supervision of a legal position to protect the interests of one of the largest mining enterprises on the issues of establishing the counterparty`s signs of violation of Antimonopoly Law by unfair patenting of inventions and utility models in order to monopolize the market

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